RSVPNEW YORK TEMPLE TIME AUG 15-22 Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### Website Instagram Choose your Experience: * The Day Pass $2k (1 session) The Oracular Residency $3.5k (2 sessions + stay) If you are booking The Day Pass, what day works best for you? August 19, 20, 21 or 22? If more than one day works, please list all days you are available. Thank you :) Choose between AM or PM session and inform if you would like to request a sleepover in shared room. Please share your motivation towards joining Temple Time New York and/or Soul Portrait. Are you a Soul Portrait returning client interested in 10% off when paying full by July 1st? Yes No Please select your payment preferences. An invoice will be sent to you based on your choice. Pay in full by July 1st. Payment plan: 3 monthly installments. If all looks good with your booking and our dates align, your next step is to send a $500 non-refundable deposit via Venmo or Zelle. Please send deposit within 24h after receiving confirmation via email. Agree and Accept Any questions? Thank you!