15-22 AUGUST


You're invited to our Soul Portrait Chalet in the Hudson Valley

Not the typical 1h shoot.
Come hang with me,
spend a day or 3 and create soul portrait.

A semi-private creative haven experience for connection, co-witnessing and soul portrait

(all slideshow images on this page were shot in New York State nature)

your soul portrait
booking options:

There are 2 ways you can join me this August in New York.
The Day Pass and The 3-Day Oracular Residency. Feel into the offerings descriptions below and reserve your spot by submitting an application form.

  • August 19, 20, 21, 22

    The Day Pass is your go-to for single soul portrait booking - perfect if you live nearby, want to drive up or take the train for the day; receive your soul portrait session by sunset, journey back home after a sweet dinner or maybe spend the night and leave in the morning. This is a 'pop in and out' experience, but still, more experiential, relational and journey oriented than just booking a 1h shoot in the city.

    • Come for the day, soul portrait by sunset (or early morning).

    • Receive a 2h soul portrait session with 2 creative narratives (looks).

    • Check-out: After your session. Or after dinner. Or in the following morning by 10am. Your choice. (check availability for a sleepover).

    • Vibes: a chosen location in nature will hold us through a soul portrait flow, you are welcome to bring a prop and 2 looks, expect deep body-earth images, magical encounter with the woods, plants and water allies.


  • August 16-19

    The 3-Day Oracular Residency is perfect if you love the idea of a portal field, mini retreat, gentle community, closer proximity, nature explorations and to share a creative co-living, co-witnessing as you receive a complete soul portrait treat, brand ethos style. Images of you, images beyond you, to compliment the narratives of the soul of your work and marketing. You may or may not overlap with others.

    • Come for 3 nights, stay in private comfortable room with shared bathroom.

    • Receive 2x 2h soul portrait experiences with me brand ethos style , up to 4 creative narratives (looks)

    • Check-in after 3pm. Check-out by 10am.

    • Creative Narratives Specials:

    ✢ classic soul portrait session in nature (personal or business oriented)

    ✢ the water experience (wet transformative healing experience in the river or waterfall)

    ✢ nude in nature (mostly in silence, sensorial, intimate, erotic, earth-my-body exploration)

    ✢ indoor by window light portraiture

    ✢ embodied dance in the woods video clips

    ✢ still life poetics (detail photography of nature to compliment your brand: flower, water, plants, colors, textures)

    ✢ film medium format: slow soul portrait session in nature (2 film rolls)


    2 spots available

*If you would like to receive the value of The Oracular Residency (4 Creative Narratives) but already live in the Hudson Area and/or is not interested in spending 3 nights with us, please reach out for a special discount.

*If you are 100% interested in booking a New York session but these dates don’t work for you, please reach out, I might be able to fit you in on my way in or out of the city.

*All Soul Portrait returning clients receive 10% off on bookings paid in full by July 1st.

the day pass

Reserve Your Spot

August 18th - AM

August 18th - PM

August 19th - AM

August 19th - PM

August 20th - AM

August 20th - PM

August 21st - AM

August 21st - PM

August 22nd - AM

August 22nd - PM


    A cozy chalet, in a quiet street, secluded yet close to Hudson town. Open floor plan, luxury bathrooms, all-new, high-end appliances and cookware, a wood-burning fireplace, outdoor deck, and fire pit. The home is surrounded by nature—trees, trails, streams, and farms—all close by. A perfect escape for relaxing, unwinding, and exploring.

    Dedicated workspace in common area.

    The kitchen will be stocked with light bites, snacks, fruits, tea and coffee available for your nourishment. Cute Hudson dinning dates can be arranged :)

    You will receive a welcome letter with recommendations of best restaurants and things to explore in the area. Uber and Taxi exist, having your own car is highly recommended.


    By choosing to work together, we will inevitably gain proximity, be in sacred witnessing of our creative lives, feed the big questions and make art.

    To be witness in our experiences is essential for the human soul. Specially those of us who are constantly holding space for others. Temple Time was born from a desire to honor our spaciousness, our alone time while honoring our need for safe, oracular, resonant and meaningful connections in warmth and human proximity.

    Come get resourced. Inspired. Expressed. And Seen. By the wisdom of the natural world, your subtle body, the arts and myself.

    Come with an open heart, mind and soul. Have little expectation and hold yourself accountable for what may show up. Allow yourself to be touched, transformed and inspired by a new field of resonance, depth, care and revelation.


    This is a co-dreaming, co-crafting invitation, inside a soul portrait framework. Soul Portrait will be your anchor to the earth and your lower body aliveness. Use your images for business or personal explorations.

    More than anything, soul portrait is a space where we learn to trust the natural creative forces that intelligently guide, shape, provoke, cleanse, illuminate and bring forth transformational healing and beauty. It is a ritual of presence and returning to self, a paradoxical shedding of stories/masks and a reclaiming of ones inherent organic power and life force. Turning inward, slowing down, connecting with your season of life, the voice of your body, engaging in sensual practices are great tools leading up to your session.

    More than a photo, a full experience. Soul Portrait will serve you as an oracle for your mythic imaginative expression.

the space

Your home in the Hudson valley.
Welcome to our cozy Chalet. Creative Haven. Temple Time sanctuary. Oracular lab.


  • Choose a Day Pass or the Residency.

  • Submit an Application Form.

  • Pay a $500 non-refundable deposit to secure your spot.

  • Pay the remainder in full by July 1st or set up a payment plan (3 monthly installments)

  • Fill out the oracular intention form to activate your mythic stories.

  • Join a 30min call to anchor creative vision and plan your visit.

  • Check in to our Hudson Valley creative haven.

  • Show up open and present for your soul portrait session.

  • Receive online gallery within 4 weeks.

  • Integrate, share and weave your soul portraits into your life/work.

resourcing healing artists
with oracular living arts

We need your leadership. Your leadership needs the soul stories of your body and the earth. These stories long for expression, liberation, language and image - so they can reach the hearts of people and communities you are meant to serve and love.

Many of us are living and building in the digital world, crafting visions, launching offerings, meeting new edges. It has come to my attention that our bodies are feeling a sense of isolation, restlessness, over stimulation in this world-building mania (which we love, and want to contribute to). We are exhausted on many levels, believing that pausing and resting will allow capitalism to swallow us up and pausing consistency is our workflow will confirm our weak masculine. Believing we will be homeless if we untether ourselves from our to-do list. I often grieve the fact that the kind of rest I need is unheard of, unknown, unspeakable of, unfathomable, I am yet to experience the sublime effect of it in this life time. Do you feel me?

It is safe to say. I need to slow down. My business, my vision, my relationships, my body, they all need to listen from a deeper space. There is something to be restored inside of me. An energy to be acknowledged, seen, heard, loved. I want to create, envision, write, craft from a place of presence and connection. I am infusing this map in all I do, including Soul Portrait. That is why, this year, instead of allowing New York to swallow me up, I am changing the offering into a creative haven and making it more experiential and 100% in nature.

As an Artist navigating the complexities of our times, I understand the profound impact of internal confusion and emotional stress. I also feel our inherent connection with the forces that continue to inspire us to create, illuminate, craft and offer beauty to the world. The collective grief we share has spurred me to create a sanctuary for individuals like you – discerning souls seeking a haven in nature for reflection, inspiration, and authentic connection.

As you prepare to be seen in the next evolution of your leadership, you wonder, who are my allies as I reveal myself?

You are going through your own initiations as you initiate others into theirs.

You are here to be a bridge for others. To brave a safe space as you find safety within yourself. You are here to guide others into the light as you see and recognize the light within you. You are here to facilitate processes of coming home.

for who

Healing artists in the midst of yet another death and rebirth meeting new edges, integrations and visionary gifts.

Leaders, teachers and facilitators being called to be more visible with your voice and expression.

Heart centered creatives shedding deep layers with a willingness to be seen as you return home and craft new dreams.

Creatives with a divine urge for ritual artistry as you come back to yourself in celebration of soul journeys, business epiphanies and heart openings.

Tender, powerful and sincere humans starting a new chapter, releasing all that is stale and inviting back parts of yourself that are disconnected and abandoned.

Oracular souls who care about your role in the community, you know you inspire, mirror, hold space, educate and accept our humanity.

Artists embodying the way of oracular arts and transmuting the big sentiments of our collective into a language the world can receive and heal from.

Vessel people, distilling information, connecting dots, designing maps and frameworks to support your community in their processes and illuminations.

Fierce activists anchoring deep wisdom and medicine for the collective liberation.

Medicine people embracing the spirit of change as you become a mother, space holder, creative entrepreneur, coach, teacher, leader.

Wise woman ready to be seen in your crone age as you deepen into your essence as an artist of the earth, the one who listens, connects and shares from within.

Our creative process

  • THE VISION - Feeling the Sacred Impulse

    The call to join this experience and be photographed is a visceral feeling. We will collaborate in partnership to support the oracular artist in you, the prayers in your heart and your impact in the world. The vision for your Soul Portrait will serve the season of your personal and/or business growth, interests and delights. Track if the call to join is alive in you, our journey begins with your body YES.

  • ACTIVATION - Greeting the Imaginal Field

    Prior to our encounter in the Hudson Valley, we will work together to ignite your insight, inspiration and vision through an intentional oracular form, where you will be invited to create a simple ritual of presence to listen to the voice of your body and translate into written form your intentions, longings and desires. We will schedule a call to confirm intuitions and creative visions.

  • THE SESSION - receiving the transmission

    Your Soul Portrait session may be scheduled for an AM of PM slot. I usually aim for an early morning or close to sunset sessions, depending on availability and weather. We will meet at the house or in nature (woods, river, waterfall, meadow) and greet the flow of your Soul Portrait. Show up ready, present and open. I will offer a 5min grounding meditation to anchor us into a field of presence and deeper listening. Sessions are 2h long.

  • THE FINAL PHASE - delivery and integration

    Within 4 weeks of our session, you will receive access to an online gallery with your images. From there you will have the option to download your photos web-size and high-res, buy prints, order albums, etc. Images are artistically edited based on my aesthetics, not fully retouched. If retouching is desired, you can refer to a professional retoucher. Photo galleries range from 75-150 photos. Integration phase starts, cherish, listen, contemplate your new soul portraits as you start sharing and weaving them with the world.


“Working with you held up the "imaginal cells" inside the chrysalis of my heart.”

“For me, working with you facilitated birthing something new. The process of Soul Portraits became a bridge for what I longed for but was yet to fully realise. I am incredibly humbled to have been seen by you. Your artistry has a way of translating visually what is felt and sensed deep down, waiting to emerge and be seen. I see the Soul Portrait as a “refining process”. For a creative and healer going through a metamorphosis, the whole process of being seen and reflected was potent and lovely. Most importantly though, what you created in resonance, gently reflects answers to questions of “essence”. Something I imagine many artists and healers carry inside them. This is such a powerful catalyst for those in the middle of the cocoon, longing to express their true essence. Working with you held up the "imaginal cells" inside the chrysalis of my heart. I’m still on a journey of embodying the depth of possibility you showed me. Thank you Thais, you're a true midwife and mystic.” - Meeray

Creative Narratives

Images of you. Images beyond you.


The Water Experience
Still Life Poetics
Nude Earth-my-Body
Film Medium Format
Indoor Window Light Portraiture
Soul Portrait in Nature
Video Clips

The Water Experience

wet transformative healing experience in the river or waterfall

Still Life Poetics

detail photography of flower, water, texture, color, nature to complete your brand ethos

Nude Earth-My-Body

mostly in silence and/or with music, sensorial, intimate, erotic, earth-my-body exploration

Film Medium Format

for the mythic you that feels ready to engage in confident posing, fierce presence and archetypal embodiment

Indoor Window Light Portraiture

what is soul portrait, really?

  • When I started Soul Portrait, I taught the real value of offering this service was the images people would get in their digital gallery. Maybe that is still the highest value for some. But over the years, I’ve come to know to be true, through feedback and observing, that the experience people go through in their journey (investing in a session, preparing, showing up in front of the camera, meeting resistance, surrendering, embodying their life force, integrating images, sharing) is where the medicine and value of this offering really is. The images become a plus, bonus, aftermath bliss. I am so lucky to have clients that are deeply attuned to the feminine way and know how to listen and receive the wholehearted alchemical-gift of soul portrait. They are not just interested in perfectly masked images of themselves. After a session, those who find themselves in a sweet, powerful integration portal, meet a field of gratitude and deeper understanding of their home coming, their inner light, they recognize the rite of passage they just went through, they feel seen and witnessed in their experience, and that feeling, that nuanced gift, is the real gem of this whole dance, this whole medicine I call Soul Portrait (thanks to Ganga Devi Braun, who named the soul of my work 4 years ago).

  • ✢ You want to be seen and felt by others.

    ✢ You want to move, inspire, impact people without using words.

    ✢ You want to visibly see your embodiment of truth, love, freedom, divinity.

    ✢ You want to see yourself in a sensual, free, embodied, intuitive nature.

    ✢ You want memories at the age you are in, look good and honor your life.

    ✢ You want to belong to your aesthetics and claim your venusian codes.

    ✢ You want to give a story for the medicine human in you.

    ✢ You want to see in image the version of you that believed in your vision, medicine, dream and transmission.

    ✢ You want to receive a mirror reflection of your connection to source, nature and humanity.

    ✢ You want to play with the spirit of bold attitude, confidence and visibility.

    ✢ You want images that show the sides of you that are soft, playful, sensual, connected, loving, powerful. 

    ✢ You want images that represent the warrior of love that you embody.

    ✢ You want images that people can be attracted to, you want magnetism.

    ✢ You want to show your heart without having to explain much.

    ✢ You want images that honor your unique soul essence.

    ✢ You want photos to use in your marketing and sales. We all want it.

  • Story time. Soul Portrait was born precisely 12 years ago in my beautiful sunlight apartment in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where I started a black and white series photographing women. The invitation was simple. These women would show up with an "archetype" for the session, an "alter ego", even a "made up" name. In our early 20’s, it felt like the only safe way to explore our deep soul desires. That became part of the sessions ethos - a permission to explore what lives within. What our subconscious deeply desired to inhabit, play, express, validate. The sessions were very sensual. Intimate and revelatory. Following the currents of eros and what was emerging, we were not intellectualizing ourselves that much.

    I eventually got side tracked into a busy commercial career in New York and moved away from my mythic imagination and body. On my late 20's I revisited it. With a more developed spirituality and awareness of where I was going with it all. Enchanted by the soul and the deep unseen world. Soul Portrait was born from a deep need to tune back to nature and her cycles, that was the primary respiration of this practice. To become a mirror of our truths and beauties. Soul Portrait as an art form required mesmerizing and wild landscapes that would take our bodies and spirits into states of ancestral remembrance. I moved to Maui to dedicate myself to this channel. Built the business and started serving it primarily to healing artists and spiritual leaders. I trusted them to trust that the image was a trickster archetype into deeper work, discovery and erotic connection with all life and possible healing for all. It has never been about a .jpeg image or 'photography', tho I have become really good at creating stunning imagery. Beauty and aesthetic-pleasure holds tremendous space inside this work. I like it that way.

    And then the Water Experience came. This is unsaid, but 80% of Soul Portrait sessions end in water, and that is purely intentional, devotional and specific to the ways I am orienting towards the transformational aspects of this offering. Recently I was asked by a client for an integration call a few months after a session, the call lasted 2.5h where she expressed the immense impact, beauty, healing and profundity she experience through my holding with soul portrait and beyond. She had flown to Maui for a full experience and we journeyed deep, crossed some thresholds that were quite edgy. She expressed that in her Soul Portrait Water Experience she was able to revisit her entire life, see the layers of resistance arise and be released in a tender, deep and soft way. Powerfully. She experienced a rebirth, a home coming, and what made that possible was the witnessing, my presence and holding through the process. We cried some good tears. As we were both astonished by the simplicity and profundity of witnessing and the ways water holds.

    Soul Portrait is not changing. It is honoring and celebrating its roots. It's shedding some tears to where it all begun in appreciation for its inherent inner knowing and infant stages. And it's also deepening into the realm of somatic safety. I am cleansing the temple. I am anchoring the practice in transformational healing experiences, depth work, oracular living and bringing in a layer of soft tenderness, gorgeous joy, creative eros, subconscious work, re-wilding the feminine, mythic allure. Soul Portrait has always been and will continue to be revelatory art, a void space, a creative haven for beauty, a space where light and magic opens up, a channel for unseen world to communicate, a telepathic map between our bodies and the moon, a bridge between you and the waters, a melody from the earth, a space for world shattering, world building art, a portal for tragic beauty and devastating love, a courageous ally for mirror-reflection work, a softening, a thawing, a yielding, a lover that will slow you down to the ground and remind you of the organic aliveness you are so you can bring forward more of your gifts, medicine, voice and love from a resourced, connected and embodied place. Soul Portrait already loves you. It sees you just as you are. Whole.

the only photography journey that offers you:

A space for the soul-body to be held

An immersive experience in nature with gentle community

A new approach to greet and nourish your visions, offerings and marketing

A deeply transformative, healing and safe experience to liberate your voice

A presence-oriented, nature-oriented, soul-oriented creative ceremony to honor your unique season of healing and creativity

An opportunity for deeper bonding and connection while you rest in being a real person in your humanity

A play with vision, a whole a lot of fun and laughter and dance and creative genius and magic and mystery

the aesthetics of the season


See below my favorite aesthetics for Soul Portrait New York

You are invited

I am your host, Thais

Thais Aquino is the founder of Soul Portrait Temple & School, a company that offers powerful and awe-inspiring images through Soul Portrait. Thais is a photographer and sacred witness who captures the essence and beauty of individuals in their expression and emergence. Born and raised in Brazil, after 5 years in New York, Thais has drifted to the waters of Maui to be fully supported by the scandalous nature of the island and feed the oracular arts of Soul Portrait. Soul Portrait is a spiritual practice and a holistic approach to photography. Thais provides a safe space for individuals to be seen and celebrated, offering transformational experiences and meaningful connections. Soul Portrait is not just a photography service, but a powerful tool for self-expression/reflection, homecoming, and business activation. Thais works internationally with leading coaches, educators, healers, creative entrepreneurs and artists who have a deep care and respect for the processes of soul home coming. Through Soul Portrait, individuals have been anchoring their leadership in the birth of the new world. Thais is based on Maui and will be briefly in New York this August to offer Temple Time.

If sharing creative presence in sacred companionship feels replenishing for your soul, join me this August for Temple Time Upstate New York.


Is Temple Time a retreat?

Temple Time is not a full service retreat, group, mentorship container or hotel. The vibe is almost if I am hosting you in my home. We are joining a sacred contract in collaboration on art project and shared time. A hangout. You will not be facilitated, guided or told what to do all the time, there will be a scheduled time for your soul portrait session and an open invitation to share moments throughout the day and perhaps a dinner in town. I will be performing other shoots and caring for other folks during that week. It’s important that you feel comfortable with your independency, specially around food and transportation needs and come open to collaborate. We will have a fully equipped kitchen if you’d like to cook and I would love to share whatever I have going on with you.

What if I have calls during my Oracular Residency?

Come for inward restoration or creative spark. Have calls? make it into a creative co-working space upstate, hike trails or sleep all day, your temple time. Feeling like dinning out in Hudson for the night? Let’s go! Breakfast at the house. Want to read a book, want to write a book? Want to facilitate and guide us into an experience? Offer a mini session and be witnessed in it? Let’s find a time. Record a podcast together? Let's talk.

What if we have bad weather at the time of my session?

We will work with the weather and make necessary adjustments, the most important one being the embrace of nature's way. Your session will be rescheduled if we are under severe rain, but most conditions are welcomed inside soul portrait ethos, as they highlight nuances of the soul. As an example, if you are scheduled for a 7am shoot and is pouring rain, we will sit with tea and wait until it stops. We will get creative. Trust! Inside a reschedule portal, I ask that you work collaboratively with me as I am trying to meet various folks needs and care for my own rest and energetic capacity so I can serve everyone from a luminous creative space. You will get your session in.

Can I just book a single Soul Portrait session, without accommodation?

All Soul Portrait sessions in New York will be performed while I am in Hudson, NY. If you are not interested in coming to the Chalet, spending the day, night or 3, your booking of choice would be The Day Pass and we will meet in nature, for 2h, in the Hudson Valley.

How to get to the Chalet?

The Chalet is located in Ghent, NY, 18min drive from Hudson train station. From the city, you may drive up, take the train, or bus - easy. Ubers and taxis exist, tho not as reliable as in the city. You may arrange a pick-up service prior to your arrival. Having your own car is highly recommended, tho taking the train/bus is also an option. If you are coming for the residency and are not planing to have a car, please plan to bring food to cook :)

What is the refund policy?

Deposits are non-refundable. In case you need to cancel your experience at Temple Time because of illness or major life event, you may reschedule your Soul Portrait session during my NY season which ends at the end of August. However, I cannot guarantee availability and cannot offer a Temple Time replacement as this is an one time event. A $500 deposit is requested to reserve your spot and the remainder is due in full by July 1st or payment plan. Your deposit will be immediately refunded in case I need to cancel because of illness of major life event.

how to tell you have a YES in your body

  • You feel expanded, day dreaming about Temple Time New York with me

  • You feel inspired, activated and safe in your desire to give back to yourself

  • You feel ready to take time away from home and plan a getaway for art making and connection

  • You feel at ease with the dates suggested and negotiations around transportation and meals

  • You feel relieved that you will not be on a rigid scheduled and you are OK with this not being a “luxurious” full service

  • You feel softness to be with photography in a way that feels spacious, connected and magical

  • You feel spaciousness when feeling into a getaway upstate this summer and Temple Time feels like the perfect invitation

  • You feel nourished to be in gentle community without the possible overwhelm of a big group setting

  • You feel energized by the idea of investing in yourself, your vision and business in this way